The Home Revival, LLC, was born with the idea that, “everything truly has it’s place” and home organization CAN BE made easy. Realizing that not everyone may enjoy color coding or categorizing their closets, Amanda Penza, founder, decided to market her skills into her own business.

A graduate of Boston College, Amanda has enjoyed keeping her spaces categorized and helping family and friends. Through helping others with their spaces, she has picked up many tips and tricks. From single closets to entire homes and moving, The Home Revival’s goal is to help make your spaces function the best for your life.

Home Organization Made Easy

Clutter…whether it be the garage or pantry, exists in everyone’s life. The Home Revival aims to remove that chaos to help both individuals and families make their spaces the most efficient for their lifestyles and spend their time on what is important to them.

Maybe it’s a bias, but everyone loves an organized closet or a labeled medicine cabinet. Yet not everyone has the time to do this with their busy work schedule or simply unsure where to begin. With the help of the Home Revival, clients can communicate their visions and have them brought to life in their spaces.

Our Blog

An Organized Closet: Tips & Tricks to Maximize Space in any Closet

An Organized Closet: Tips & Tricks to Maximize Space in any Closet

Imagine having an exceptionally organized, picture perfect closet. This closet is displayed in a way to help you facilitate what to wear that day without clothes falling out once you open the door. The reality however, is that this is simply a dream or an item on a...