Organize on a Budget: Tips to Getting Organized with Limited Products

by Jan 20, 2022

This month we helped our client, Sam Schwartz of @phlfoodstagram, organize her closets in her new Philadelphia apartment. After reviewing her spaces and asking some questions about her lifestyle, we got to work. We planned to use items that she had and then implement limited product to organize on a budget. When all was said and done, we organized FOUR closets, with just over $100 in product spent ($110 to be exact). That’s right, four spaces and minimal was spent because we were able to use some items she already had and this is how we did it.


Organize on a Budget Steps

  1. Take Everything Out: We took everything out of the closets to ensure we would start with a clean slate which moved us into the next step of taking inventory.


2. Categorize & Assess: Once everything was out, we sorted the contents of the closets into categories. This allowed Sam to go through like items to then let us know what she would keep or what could be donated. 


3. Implement: Now with the given categories set and the amount of each, we took stock of organizing items she had to help maintain the categories. Here are some of the options we utilized for Sam’s spaces.

      • There were many slim line hangers (which are a great space saver) but in multiple colors. Instead of purchasing uniform hangers, we used different hangers for different categories. For example, the black hangers went to the front coat closet housing jackets and sweatshirt & sweatpants sets. In the smaller hall closet, we used pink hangers for the more formal dresses. This allows for the focus of the space to be on the categories rather than mismatched hangers. 
      • There were two rolling carts already in the apartment. We utilized one in the main closet in her bedroom  and another in the smaller hall closet. After sorting categories, all we needed to do was add labels to the carts to make it easier to find items or put incoming items away. 
      •   Last, we used a few smaller bins that she had to hold smaller contents within a larger section. The small pink bin now holds the games separate from the gym equipment which all fit on one shelf of the rolling cart.



As I mentioned, we did spend some money on new product to help maximize the spaces. The majority of product was used in the front coat closet, as this closet houses frequent attire. With a long shelf at the top of the closet, we wanted to utilize uniform bins to break up categories creating a cohesive look. These bins are very price friendly and come in four different sizes and multiple colors. Bins on a shelf not only prohibits items from topping onto each other, but makes those categories easier to access.  Next, we wanted to take advantage of the height on the floor so we added some stacking mesh shoe shelves. This not only cleaned  up the floor space of the closet, creating more space, but also allows her to see her shoes more clearly. 














Organizing does not always have to be a large investment. As seen with this project, we wanted to organize on a budget so determined what could be reused and what was a top priority to purchase to really make the spaces work. Now our client not only has a cohesive and manageable setup, but most importantly can find what she needs in an instant.  If you too are looking to organize on the budget and have any questions, always know The Home Revival is here to help!








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